
Away from home

I'm in Houston for the week, working on a project there. It feels weird to have been away from home for the holidays (December 18th through 31st) and now away again, so soon.

Dear Hubbo bought me a Roomba robot vacuum for Christmas. I love it. While it definitely won't eliminate the need for a good, thorough weekly clean, it will help keep the house orderly in between. We have a small house- around 1000 square feet- with hardwood floors, and three hairy pets. The pet hair accumulation is rather appalling, and I think the Roomba will help keep me sane.

Our house is a work in progress. We've been slowly remodeling the interior, mostly repairs. We're in the process of rebuilding the garage right now, so a lot of things that were stored out there are temporarily in the house. The clutter is driving me insane. Hubbo and I are both collectors- we love stuff, and things, and it accumulates quickly, like pet hair in the corners. :-) I hope that we can get that under control this year.

I want our home to be a welcoming, comfortable place for both of us, and for our friends. I'm looking forward to finishing up the house this year, finally getting organized and putting some systems in place. I hope that we can both feel more comfortable having people over once the work is further along.

1 comment:

Nichole D. said...

Glad to see you back! I agree, pet hair and hardwood floors are a horrifying combination.