

I. am. so. TIRED.

I spent all weekend learning how to write a brief and then writing one so that I could be the ONLY 1L to apply for Moot Court. I didn't get much sleep.

I found out last night that the administration won't let me participate in moot court. Sigh. Lots of hours that I should have been working on other stuff, down the drain.

So I started to work on my research memo, which is what I SHOULD have been working on all weekend. Lost track of time last night, went to bed around 1, forgot to set my alarm clock.

I was nevertheless alarmed when my poor friend K was tapping on my bedroom window at 6:45... we had agreed to go to the gym. Oy.

Very jolting wake up call, half hearted wake up, and not NEARLY enough coffee.

But my Texas beau is coming to visit this weekend! Long story- basically trying to figure out if he should move out here to be with me, which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

Needless to say, not much knitting going on.

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