
Happy 300th Post!

This is my 300th post- a whole lot of rambling about very little of anything.

To celebrate, I'm updating my resolutions (how exciting!)

I gained 4 pounds since Thanksgiving. Baaad. Means I'm at a 20 pound goal, not the original 15.

Also, I am extending my yarn fast as well- NO YARN BUYING AT ALL THIS SEMESTER. Them's fighting words. That means no yarn purchases between now and May 15. Anyone want to place a bet on how successful this will be???


Anonymous said...

You are at your 300th post! That's crazy! Kudos to you for making it through law school at that many!

And who cares about your 4 lbs -- I've seen your pics and you've got nothing to worry about!

Beverly said...

I'm afraid to place a bet! I want to join you on that goal, but I just need to buy...a few...more things...first. Technically, the semester doesn't start until Tuesday, right?