
Something's Gotta Give

I just have too much going on right now. That's all there is to it. Something has got to go. I haven't even gotten busy at school yet, and law review hasn't really started- that's next week. So this isn't even as bad as it is going to get.


The problem? I want to do everything I'm doing. The obvious choice is to cut the job, but I love it, love the people, love the work, love the environment... It's awesome. And I'm not quitting law review- very necessary for the jobs I'm looking at (especially judicial clerkships, state and federal.) I could drop Art Law. That is in fact a distinct option. But really, I'm already slacking on the work, and it only meets once a week. Must get that switched to pass/fail. That'll be a little itty bitty tiny bit.

Mom suggested cutting out knit night. I think she was HIGH- I need the hour of sanity every week. And it's my only social time all week long. I'm not kidding.

So. Busy. Yeah.
Did I mention a little bit overwhelmed, too?

AND I'm afraid I'm going to run out of yarn on the hourglass sweater. And I'm only 3 inches in to the body.

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