10 years ago...
That was quite a summer. My parents seperated, I went to visit my then boyfriend for the Ring Dance at the Naval Academy (worst weekend of my life), spent the summer being a head counselor at Hummingbird Music Camp , my all time favorite place, and got ready to go to college in Virginia.
5 years ago...
this weekend I was moving to Austin, TX. A girlfriend from college was moving to Austin to be with her boyfriend, and I decided to join her. Good Lord, it was HOT. My Mom and baby brother drove with me, and we stopped at Carlsbad Caverns.
1 year ago...
I was about to start law school. I'd had an intense summer- moving, relationship drama, and was very, very nervous about starting school!
I mowed the lawn, read the NY Times, knit, read, shopped (new bra- whee!), then met up with a friend for dinner with her family and then we saw Fantastic Four.
I found out I made law review! I am also having a really hard time focusing at work. I have a ton to do, but am not quite up to doing it.
is Knit Night! Hurrah! I get to model Orangina!
5 snacks I enjoy...
Fruit! Chocolate! Peanut Butter! Ice Cream! Potato chips and Albertson's Green Chile Dip (and, while I'm thinking about it, Kerby Queso... queso with guacamole)
5 bands/singers that I like...
Oh Lord. I am so out of the loop. They Might Be Giants, Barenaked Ladies (lets see what that does to my google status!), Aimee Mann, Beatles, and Carbon Leaf. There are lots of others, but I'm pretty out of touch with what the kids are listening to these days.
5 Things I would do with $100,000,000...
Pay off my Mom's house and buy houses for myself and my brothers. Buy a newer car. Donate lots of money, not sure exactly what causes. Probably quite a bit to NPR/PBS, maybe some arts foundations, the law school (public institution, not great budget situation), and maybe my college (though they have a larger endowment and don't need it quite as badly), medical research, possibly start a public policy institute to fix the health care situation in this country. Save/invest for retirement and my non-existent childrens' college funds. Have a fabulous round the world vacation, and take a year off to do it. Maybe expand vacation to include a trip to the moon.
5 locations I'd like to run away to...
England. France. Northern New Mexico. New York City. Safari in Africa. um, and Australia. That's 6, I know.
5 bad habits I have...
I bite my fingernails. If there is food near me, I will eat it. I forget that I usually get what I need if I just ask for it. I like people to think I'm smart/perfect, and don't like admitting that I'm wrong/I don't know. I am horrible at saving money- my expenses always seem to match my income.
5 things I like doing...
Knitting. Cooking. Talking with my Mom, girlfriends. Downhill skiing. Being with Mr. C, regardless of what we end up doing.
5 things I would never wear....
Tube top, ultra low rise pants, leather pants, scrunchie, thong.
5 TV shows I like...
Antiques Roadshow, BBC America's What Not to Wear, Sex and the City, That 70s Show, Will and Grace, the A Team.
5 Movies I like....
5 famous people I'd like to meet...
Shakespeare, Bill Gates, Tom Hanks, Katharine Graham, Mabel Dodge Luhan.
5 biggest joys of the moment...
Knitting as a group sport, reading a good book, having a vacation to visit friends booked, knowing I'm doing well in school and laying a strong foundation for my professional future, and not *quite* being back in school yet.
5 favorite toys...
Knitting needles and yarn, skis, eBay, my hand-carved wood cribbage set that was an anniversary gift from Mr. C, and Scooter the cat.
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