
fly by post

HOWDY! I'm wiped out. But I'm writing because I really don't want to go clean out the litter boxes, empty the trash, or deal with the laundry. My list of things to avoid goes on and on but I'll spare you.

One interesting thing about law school and law jobs is that I'm going through this 4 month cycle- at the beginning I feel totally incompetent, then by the time the semester is over I get it and feel like I know what I'm doing. Then, WHAM it starts all over again with the incompetent feelings. I'm in WHAM mode right now. And I know without a doubt that by the end of the summer I'll feel like an old pro and it will all be fine, then WHAM with a new semester and all new classes/topics/terminology/rules. Ah well. Such is life. I figure I should start to feel competent most of the time about 2 years out of law school, or ... uh... in just over 4 years.


UPDATE: Ok, I KNOW I'm not ACTUALLY incompetent... It's just the unsteady feeling of starting a new job in a whole new industry and dealing with all new subject matter--it's disorienting. But I like it. Beats the pants off my old job in Austin where there just wasn't enough to do and work did exist was BORING.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are definitely NOT incompetant...you just don't know how steep the learning curve is yet....that is all!

chin up, girlie. Growing pains hurt, but you will never grow up without them.